
O&M Opportunities guide commissioned by The Australian Government

The Department of Industry selected Akrom as a specialist partner to provide a mapping of opportunities for SMEs in LNG projects O&M.

The new LNG plants will require companies and personnel specialising in Operations and Maintenance. Please check this publication that we prepared for the Department of Industry. This guide has been commissioned by the Australian Federal Government to examine the procurement and contracting practices relevant to the O&M phase of major LNG projects.

Akrom Became SparesFinder’s Agent

As another step forward to providing the best solutions to the Oil and Gas industry, Akrom has become SparesFinder’s agent. SparesFinder has over 10 years’ experience in delivering significant savings to multinational companies in over 90 countries.  The company has developed a market leading materials data cleaning and governance application, which, combined with the right services package, delivers a complete solution. Because the company’s software is fully hosted, IT problems are minimized, implementation is rapid and costs very competitive.


SparesFinder’s application are already part of the best solutions for the Oil and Gas industry provided by Akrom. Visit SparesFinder’s website on